Rucho makusa's Profile

Rucho makusa
Joined on Jul 26, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Rucho makusa's Recent Posts
"18 episodes in... 7 episodes left."
"Um... Hi. I like cats."
"*stays back with tsunade* um... Why are you so worried about naruto and sasuke being together?"
"*finds a drop of liquor and licks it* 0.o *spits it out* Ew..."
"*giggles* heh... *follows sasuke*"
"*stands behind sasuke*"
"Im sorry... *leaves*"
"*keeps pace*"
"*follows sasuke, keeping up with ease*"
"... Shes cute."
"*waits for sasuke to follow*"
"*watches, amused*"
"Um... *doesnt know what to say*"
"*smiles in amusment*"
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