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Joined on Nov 2, 2017
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RougeWarrior's Quizzes
- There is no quiz[published: Feb 09, 2018]
TAKE THIS QUIZ Don't be a Square or the flying car was in no time at y'all's way home now so I'll let him down……
RougeWarrior's Recent Posts
"To tell him to attack"
"Michael Does the same as he looks at josh"
"Shin jumps up and punches the sand dragon as its head falls to the ground Red Shreaks for help and the town seems almost destro"
""I ain't taking the first move"As he jumps back"
""Welp I asked alittle late there"As he stances up"
""So guys? Do we know when they'll get here?"As he covers his eyes from the sun and looks up"
""Oh,Yeah we must do the same we stood almost no chance"As he stands holding his chest"
""Is it over?Wait where's Gohan?"As he fly's straight up to get a better look yelling "GOHAN!""
"Red shreaks with fear as the zombs move closer "Nightmare we need to get outta here!" Shin replies"This better work" as he let'"
""Goku,Goku?"As he sees Gokus lifeless body"
""Ha ha That was ruff at least your ok Goku"He says just hearing Gokus laugh"
""What the Goku? Are you ok?"As he stands to his feet"
""Looks like It's the end of this heros battle,"As he screams "Josh finish this now!""
"Michael faints from overheating and raddits lifts his foot to step right on his heart"
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