Roseroll's Profile

Joined on Mar 17, 2021
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
Roseroll's Quizzes
- How well do you know the history of cinnamon rolls?[published: Sep 04, 2021, 3 comments]
I like cinnamon rolls! Especially rose rolls! Do you like cinnamon rolls as……
Roseroll's Recent Posts
"Friend! :D"
"Yay :DDD So how do you make cinnamon rolls :0"
"Mom can we makes cinnamon rolls pls"
"Mom can we make cinnamon rolls :D"
"Mom I has quiz and poll :DDD"
"Cinnamon rolls :3"
"Auntie Elly can we go fly? :D"
"Mommy Aunt Cats told me you wished I haven't been born. Is dat true mommy? Cats: Uh oh"
"What does that make me? If my mother is a mother to my other mother"
"Did you know male chickens get shredded while they're still alive because Ryc says they're trash? Ryc wants to kill them all"
"Wait we have 5 billion dollars It only costs 100 dollars to fix a toilet"
"Yes! ^^"
"Yay we can? :DDD"
"Oh ok :( Can we get a cat? Or a puppy?"
Roseroll's Recent Quiz Comments
"Butbutbut I thought those ones in the can were easy"
In response to Pattern:
"great quiz, child! but cinnamon rolls are…"