How well do you know the history of cinnamon rolls?

I like cinnamon rolls! Especially rose rolls! Do you like cinnamon rolls as much as I like cinnamon rolls? Take this quiz to find out if you know everything there is to know about cinnamon rolls!

Hey, if you get a good score, I might even gift you with a cinnamon roll. Would you like dat? I'm great at making them, Mommy show me how :D thank you Mommy

Created by: Roseroll
  1. Around what time period were cinnamon rolls invented?
  2. What's another meaning for cinnamon roll?
  3. Is it icing or glaze?
  4. Are they easy to make?
  5. How much is a Cinnabon cinnamon roll?
  6. Do cinnamon rolls actually use cinnamon?
  7. Are there cinnamon rolls that are called rose rolls?
  8. Are cinnabons and cinnamon rolls the same thing?
  9. Do cinnamon rolls taste good?
  10. Bye! :D

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the history of cinnamon rolls?
