RomanCathartican's Profile

Joined on Apr 30, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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4-Year Club
RomanCathartican's Quizzes
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RomanCathartican's Recent Posts
"Sadly, any war humans wage we.. tend to be involved in, involuntarily. Luciano: I beg to differ, I knew a guy who slept"
"No, actually- we just kind of decided we might as well try, not that there's no big wars or anything stopping us, for once. Lu"
"[As vampires, Flavio is a lot less pushy and Luciano is much more chaotic] Oh, you know. We're just.. travelers. "
"[I think u would really love the vampire au characters then, some of them are,,, v v dangerous.] Luciano: *is 100% read"
"[You play dangerous] I don't know.. all of the older ones I know sour even more with age, it's depressing. "
"[Lmfao yeah apparently. I checked the name and I owned the account. Apparently I made Dead and Alive at the same time?]"
"[I feel like that's even more reason to to approach-] He never is, but, he's over 2000 years old, he needs to make frie"
"[Its always a mistake to approach Italians lbh] In a way~ I'm trying to get my brother to go out and meet people somewh"
"Luciano: Oh, this? This is perfectly normal. *rubs his injured hand with his good one, smile softening a lot now, glanc"
"*smiles brightly, moves to shake his hand* Lucas, huh? A pretty name~ Luciano: yeah, nice to meet you. *he pauses, befo"
"Oh, ciao~ *forgot to mention but he's like, fairly close to Luciano, with a gun pressed against Luciano's side* We're a bit new here~ I'm Fl..."
"Is it gay to like a man? Perhaps. But is it gay to like our Lord and savior God? Still perhaps."
"Much better."
"Haha, I outsmarted the system."
"I could just name it LucianoVargas Luciano: I could just stop paying your phone bill. :( come on now hun that's "
RomanCathartican's Recent Quiz Comments
"It wasn't a troll, I wasn't aware the system was rigged like that, if this quiz wasn't so old I would fix it."
In response to O1Awesomeness:
"I figured it out. It's all based on the favorite…"