RingoMoon's Profile

Joined on Aug 1, 2012
Status Level: Novice
RingoMoon's Quizzes
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RingoMoon's Recent Posts
"@anri-ball drop? it's already jan 1st where I am and your lucky I don't think my contry even had one of those"
"@I don't acctualy know I've already forgoten what was going through my head when I said/wrote that"
"@anri thats a good point you have there it most likely is is five o'clock somewhere but that fact doesn't make it anyless three am where I a..."
"@anri same, nothing to do it's pretty late where I am. @MrsHoran very well I will take your word on that,but if I ever find that you "
"as do I and all other pie eaters"
"*waves back with left foot cause I have no arms* whats up!"
"I think we are on a role here lets try and make post on this thread have an 0_o in it"
"Well 0_o to you too and hello aswell I quess thats a bit more normal a responce"
"Random chubaka eating jellyfish while whatching anime."
""other peeps" where?,(punches self in face) -iner asswhole- "their talken about you damn ass""
"sports 19 Yeah I get that now, I spoke(typed)before looking at the situation properly,sorry about that rockstar98 I hope you do not "go craw..."
"Yeah I quess your right nuna,I just get pissed when I see dudes being so vulgar when theres no need."
"rockstar98 please go crawl in a hole and die,your annoying,that goes for all you other scum bags who wana screw everything that moves too,al..."
RingoMoon's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got date and you seem like a pretty cool person so...you wanna be friends?,cool quiz by the way."
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"72% weird I got the same as the first dude."
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"YAY 50/50,im sane but not sweet,thank yo. "
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"This is more of a sujestion than a request,but anyway you could do a insanit test quiz and sweet quiz btw."
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"Sweet idea man,hope it gets done"
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"very soon huh,not very likely"
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"88% sweet the only down fall is now i feel like a pedo,wasn't expecting you to be 10....you seem like a cool person though,even if you are…"
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"88% sweet the only down fall is now i feel like a pedo,wasn't expecting you to be 10....you seem like a cool person though,even if you are…"
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"70% cool beans"
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"Well in my opinion if you truely do not like this guy then just forget about him and if he likes you or not it's a bit cold hearted to say…"