Rikka Rek's Profile

Rikka Rek
Joined on Sep 15, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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"That's not good. *so much like his mom omfg, huffs indignantly* You're annoying as hell!"
"Oooh. You think this is a tantrum? Silly, silly maid. This is just frustration~ *smiles right back* People would be dead if this was "
"I see~ *crosses arms, pouts* You're no fuun~ if it's nothing major, then just tell me already!"
"Explain to me why, now. *frustrated sigh, #brattyvampire*"
"Indebted to her? Who?"
"Heph: hope is an annoying thing."
"Thank you. Ah. I see."
"Oh? What's your real age?"
"Heph: you're such an ass why do I bother"
"Why not? She has a lot of weaknesses it wouldn't be hard. Plus she's petrified of spiders. Drop one on her head and she's paralyzed with fea..."
"Heph: like you'd be invited"
"Heph: I'd slap you but I kind of have no physical form."
"Wait are you the weird maid guy I heard mom employed? *suspicious glance* And soon after she died... *conclusion jumpi"
"What. It's good. I like mint chocolate chip."
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