Reeve Cipher's Profile

Reeve Cipher
Joined on Jan 16, 2015
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Reeve Cipher's Recent Posts
"I wanted to have these done before they finished Nate TT-TT"
"it might feel better if I make this gold something a little softer"
"it still doesn't feel right :( why can't I do this right"
"(this needs some pink) (but like) (soft pink) (maybe pastel)"
"never did get my keys back the shop won't open again until monday"
"it feels like there should be more green than anything else"
"picking colors for pine is hard the only ones I can't really see are red, black and white they're practically a rainbow ho"
"Were you looking for someone? As I watched you go, I am mad because I don't know what you used me for."
"she just texted me to tell me the puppies ears are standing up that's her first conscious text for the night"
"Yeah, that's a newer feature. We can move them between boards, too."
"*higher post time"
"Haven't used this account in a while, and don't really intend to be posting here too frequently while I work on Pine's stuff, so I can deal ..."
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