Reaper Six's Profile

Reaper Six
Joined on Nov 3, 2012
Status Level: Novice
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Reaper Six's Quizzes
- How much do you know about the Bond Universe?[published: Nov 30, 2012]
"The names Bond. James Bond" one of the most recognizable quotes ever. James Bond,……
- Would you survive my dreams?[published: Nov 05, 2012, 10 comments]
The human mind, brilliant, shocking, and deadly?? ……
Reaper Six's Recent Posts
"Officially, werewolves and vampires do not exist. Stories about beings who could shift between wolf and human forms, and tales of lecherous ..."
"I guess so. Get a metal detector 52, time to play CSI. 52: Reconstruct the ambush to reveal their tactics? Bet"
"52: Take any down? One, I think. Thats when I got shot. Then I popped smoke and came home. 52: The same grou"
"Ambush. Cant a guy just go for a run in the woods in peace? 52: Did you see any of them? Thats the worse part"
"A tough one, I have three... If I could bring in anyone, from anything. Master Chief. Reason being: Hes Master Chief. "
"52: *sees damaged shoulder armor* Boss? You okay? Fine, except it appears ive temporarily lost my wolf traits... *sets G36C d"
"There was that sand spit there... I bank over and line it up. (Im going to go, hanging out with some friends. See you tomorro"
"I was slightly tired, but stayed awake. I scanned the island ahead, there wasnt anywhere to land..."
"I throttled up, and took off. The same turbulance we hit before was back."
"I flipped a few switches and the engines started again. I turned the plane around."
"I sat down next to her."
"I walked and stood behind her, "will you be okay?" I whispered."
"I kept my head down and looked around the living room, grabbing a Coke from the kitchen."
"There was enough food for about a month, I guessed before walking back inside."
"I carried a ton of MRE boxes to the plane, shed need a lot of food while I was gone."
Reaper Six's Recent Quiz Comments
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