RazzyPop's Profile


Joined on Feb 10, 2014
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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RazzyPop's Quizzes

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RazzyPop's Recent Posts

  • "Geek, I am not even sure if I should."
  • "Brownie, Excuse me? Atleast I don't always have a crush on everyone that is my friend. You can leave, We will be better without you trashing..."
  • "What are you using now? Right, Have you ever drank all the Fanta flavor sodas?"
  • "I swear Geek, If it messes up My account, You will freaking regret it."
  • "What sodas have you drank? Ohhh.. yeah. x'D But you should really see the video. The baby is sooo cute."
  • Earth Angels.
  • "I am just gonna ignore the little slut. Unloving, Really? o.o Have you ever drank Sierra Mist?"
  • Bah.
    "To post like a human with general opinion that is none of your concern."
  • Alright.
    "Maru, Call Nightmare again. Please."
  • Bah.
    "You are not putting me in place."
  • Bah.
    "Oh please, None of the insults you said effects me. I've heard worst. I learned to not care what people think. Maybe you need more help, Bec..."
  • Bah.
    "Ohohoho, Bunny, You need to stop there. I already learned my Manner skills. I choose not to use them on certain days. Nah, I "
  • Alright.
    "I am so confused now."
  • Bah.
    "You need more social skills Anri."
  • Alright.
    "I was to late. Nightmare I am ready, Come back... idiot."

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