RaynefaII's Profile

Joined on Jan 22, 2020
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
5-Year Club
RaynefaII's Quizzes
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RaynefaII's Recent Posts
"That is a seriously unacceptable "project". You should report the teachers."
"I don't sound hot do I? I sound like a weirdo."
"No I'm not hot either XD Yeah HOW? Tell us!"
"It means I'm not cool and you should ignore me."
"It's fine, I'll leave."
"And damn I didn't realize."
"No problem :)"
"I should change it back if everyone hates it. So here it is."
"I don't know."
"I prefer this picture too"
"I don't want a double anyway. It doesn't look like fun to me."
"Wait that was very rude of me. I'm sorry. You're right, it's not a nice genre."
"Helped I've been hacked!!"
"Honestly I'm just saying that because no one's doubled me. Aren't I good enough?"
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