Raven Branwen's Profile


Raven Branwen
Joined on Jan 29, 2020
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
5-Year Club
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Raven Branwen's Recent Posts

  • Students chat room.
    "It wasn’t. You have no right to talk about something like this. You’ve never experienced it."
  • Students chat room.
    "I don’t expect someone like you to understand, a baby would only have slowed the tribe down. She was better off at home."
  • Students chat room.
    "I had no choice Taiyang. I had to leave, it was for the best."
  • Students chat room.
    "Like I care about Summer’s brat."
  • Students chat room.
    "Real mature Taiyang, what a shining example you are for your daughter,"
  • Students chat room.
    "That is disgusting. I honestly can’t remember what I saw in you."
  • Students chat room.
    "I'm not a coward, I'm a survivor, Taiyang. I was Summer's partner. We were best friends. But that does not mean she was perfect. She had her..."
  • Students chat room.
    "Yang, you are one person. I had a huge responsibility that I had to take on alone. Many people needed me, I had to be there. You have absolu..."
  • Students chat room.
    "Grow up, Qrow. If you choose someone else over yourself, you'll just end up like Summer."
  • Students chat room.
    "She wouldn't have been able to handle it anyways. There's nothing wrong with a mercy kill, is there?"
  • Students chat room.
    "Shut it, both of you. No, you were wrong. You don't have bad luck, you just get karma."
  • Students chat room.
    "Abandoning two people is nowhere near as bad as leaving a whole tribe, Qrowseph."
  • Students chat room.
    "Oh look, it's the guy who abandoned his whole tribe. You picked a select few over us? And these are those people? You really are pathetic."
  • Students chat room.

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