RavenBone's Profile
Joined on Mar 7, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
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10-Year Club
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"I CARE 10000000900009000 %"
"Jinx, you can't balme your self for his actions, he choose to do this. You did nothin wrong we tryed helping him but he didn't listen. Just ..."
"Hugs jinx * shhhh it's ok shhhhh"
"Um.... I have clothes " seth said hugging her"
"Meow *sad meow *"
"Hm....... Roses are red Smerfs are blue I don't know how much But I sure love u "
"Ash sighs and sits on the ground, her marks beagin to burn "oh I hope she can't feel this " she says"
"Scarlette Well this isn't really a party but it works right?" Red said eatting pizza. Scarlette smiled "it's purrfect"
"Bump this was on page 5 )"
"Hugs sister * Don't worry.................... about a thing Cuz every little thing is gonna be alright "
"Ash walked over to them "having fun ?l she smerked, salsan huffed as she looked at them"
"Ash laughed "water seeks all " she said poetically, salsan stood and streached her hind legs"
"I know we can smell her " ash said laying in the grass, her marks glowed under her shirt, salsan layed her head on ash's arm"
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