rath's Profile
Joined on Dec 6, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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rath's Recent Posts
"k. gtg. ill be on on i think tuesday.,"
"hallo sage! havent seen you in FOREVER!"
"so, we dating or not? :#3"
"i get up, spit blood, and grin* im only holding back... *shoots a flamethrower at you, scorching you entirly.*how bout that? oh and anri sa..."
"if you want to date, id be cool with that. im knuckles and your like my julie su. your my silver and im whoever he goes out with. im sonic a..."
"*runs at you, barly missing when i slash at you* humph."
"k.... *turns a bell into a sword*"
"rvelez, dont be in a down mood. be happy! no need to be sad!"
"lets go. you make first move"
"now 2:57 well, its during day and im in texas."
"im gonna get on my other account. brb."
"i was just wondering what you said yesterday, bout you likeing me in the past and i shouldnt talk to you for some reason. why shouldnt i?"
"NOOOO! well how are you, anyways?"
"skywards sword. ocarina of time may have been the first 3d zelda game, but skywards sword has many puzzels and stays with the updating zelda..."
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