RAPTURE's Profile
Joined on Dec 11, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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RAPTURE's Recent Posts
"Ok. Well this is how it goes: Apparently the universe decides to explode one day, somehow creating planets. Even though water can neither be..."
"Technically....atheists belive we came from...rocks.... Oh.... 0.0"
"Rocks....freaking....rocks..... What are ya cravin'?"
"Im sorry I just...so how are ya?"
"Nothin really. Watching some retarded show on evolution. God....If your atheist no offense intended but, Lord atheists have some stupid idea..."
"So whatcha doin?"
"Hey soul sista Hey there mista mista On the radio Something else... Oh well Ayyye Aye, AyyyAye "
"How ya doin?"
"And cry myself asleep over the last episode of Dragon Ball GT now. Cya!"
"Gutentag. German for Hello and Goodbye I believe."
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