RAPTURE's Profile

Joined on Dec 11, 2012
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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RAPTURE's Recent Posts

  • Is Kwright
    "Ok. Well this is how it goes: Apparently the universe decides to explode one day, somehow creating planets. Even though water can neither be..."
  • Is Kwright
    "Technically....atheists belive we came from...rocks.... Oh.... 0.0"
  • Is Kwright
    "Rocks....freaking....rocks..... What are ya cravin'?"
  • Is Kwright
    "Im sorry I just...so how are ya?"
  • Is Kwright
    "Nothin really. Watching some retarded show on evolution. God....If your atheist no offense intended but, Lord atheists have some stupid idea..."
  • Is Kwright
    "So whatcha doin?"
  • Is Kwright
  • Is Kwright
  • Heyo!
    "Hey soul sista Hey there mista mista On the radio Something else... Oh well Ayyye Aye, AyyyAye "
  • Heyo!
  • Heyo!
    "How ya doin?"
  • Heyo!
  • I gtg
    "And cry myself asleep over the last episode of Dragon Ball GT now. Cya!"
  • Screw-
  • Mine thread
    "Gutentag. German for Hello and Goodbye I believe."

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