RandomCrazyGirl's Profile

Joined on Sep 18, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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RandomCrazyGirl's Recent Posts
"What the actual f---. Zac, you liked her, you stared the relationship, it would be a bit weird for you to end something you started."
"Im saaras friend dumb---. Now see you never and have a s--- life."
"asshat? Thats all you got?"
"She tells me via wattpad."
""Clashing Personalities". Hmm.. Do you mean that your both autistic? Does that matter? There are millions of autistics, an"
"Well its none of adams f---ing business about her school is it? She chose that school, not caring how long it takes for her to get to and fr..."
"She said get a life. Jeez stop making lies."
"Whats your f---ing problem? Don't accuse billie of something she never did. "Kys emeber" is for the neighbours dog. I know you probably woul..."
"She even told me! When she said "kys ember", she meant her neighbours dog. There was no reference at all to EmberTehFerret. Even if lyle thi..."
"Leave the poor girl alone."
"Sorry gtg"
"Oh wow! That's strange. I have never met a girl in the same year group as me. I live in Birmingham, wby?"
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