Rakshasa's Profile

Joined on Mar 11, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Rakshasa's Recent Posts
"well thanks bye babu"
"wee~ Umi: Calm down, before you hurt someone. Sora: Hah. *sets sword down, sticking out tongue*"
"You say it like this: Rahk-Shah-Sah"
"You're quite good at guessing."
"you're not alone don't worry"
"no she is not Heph, Heph is Heph."
"Hold, Release, me and a corpse"
"(I barely get to even talk to Dark anymore. But that's life.:/) Umi: I'm fine. Want me to prove it to you?*gr"
"Kael: Oh...I see... Heph: -w- stahp. Vitali: *in garden, Auralious is with him*"
"(Me either much anymore.:I Just you, Benny, Maru, and Dark. Well, not even Maru anymore. Sunny-D left.Dx) Umi: *if she was a "
""No! Of course not. Lead the way." She huffed."
"(you love my ocs too much.:P) Umi: Thank you, I suppose. She uses them to rip flesh off bones! We're Rakshasa,"
""Trains?" She asked."
"Kael: e.e Mhm.... Heph: stop poking me I'm gonna laugh. Heph: nooo Anri I don't want you arrested.;-;"
"My house is next to a park, library, and bank I WIN. I'm a loser."
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