RainbowBrains's Profile
Joined on Feb 3, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
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RainbowBrains's Recent Quiz Comments
"I don't know any of this completely useless quiz"
1 -
"I got Pretty racial, Slightly racial and Not racial all the same what the hell does that mean??????"
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"I got sorry T_T you missed out the 90's"
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"I got three ?????"
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"Your Result: England
You look like pretty chic and you love the umbrella , Mmh .. SO BRiTiSH ! You enjoy drink tea and eat muffins…"
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"Your Result: england
you are quite a knowlegable person. and are loyal to your friends.you tend to like the finer things in life.…"
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"our Result: Britain
You love your country, once in a while your agressive, sometimes you can be a real jerk, but you manage to get…"
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"our Result: you are a Viper
Raw power is the only way to discribe the way you feel. Going fast in a strait line and embarrassing…"
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"Your Result: The Hunter
You like the feel of the hunt, and you think of humans as prey. You always feel wild and rebellious even…"
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"Your Result: Angel of Darkness
You are an Angel of Darkness. Your four wings are made of floating darkness and you use Dark magic.…"