raffy's Profile

Joined on Apr 11, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
raffy's Quizzes
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raffy's Recent Posts
"you signed for fish, chips and peas, yes?"
"you didn't sign! so i don't know"
"you signed for sausage in a bread roll, yes?"
"you'd like dessert? would you like peaches or strawberry whirl? strawberry whirl? and ice cream? how many? 2?"
"the list is over there, so when you've finished, sign the list and you can have what you want next time you signed here yes?"
"yogurt? how many, two? ok. ayayay."
"what do you want. show me."
"you didn't sign. i tell you everyday to sign. so i don't know. would you like vegetable burger?"
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