QuietLikeMurder's Profile
Joined on Dec 12, 2019
Status Level: Novice
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5-Year Club
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QuietLikeMurder's Recent Posts
"yeah, pretty much I got lucky with that one lmao"
"the capital letters honestly wouldn't bother me that much if it had spaces but it d o e s n ' t"
"yeeeah, kinda regretting the capitalization choices it's too stiff happy holidays to you"
"hey darkness"
"for a livestream"
"I have no idea lmao"
"got logged out for some reason"
"GOD these people are exhausting"
""what am I supposed to do, throw my money? walk back and forth? that's so stupid. this line isn't even going to help. this is why I don't co..."
""if you're this paranoid you shouldn't have gotten into retail" if you're this f---ing dumb you shouldn't be allowed in public,"
""why social distance of the you're just gonna touch my driver's license? this literally doesn't protect anyone." I CAN SANITIZE"
""what's the matter? you know no one around here has it, right? no one." first of all there have been at least two confirmed cas"
"very annoying I hate how condescending they get about it, too like they know exactly what they're talking about and I'm stupid f"
"I just love how every f---in redneck piece of s--- out here is an expert on covid19 so kind of them to impart their knowledge on me"
"I'd love to have kids once I'm in a better place financially. I've always planned to adopt older kids, really anywhere from 11-17. I'm not ..."
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