Quiet Kid's Profile


Quiet Kid
Joined on Dec 12, 2020
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Quiet Kid's Quizzes

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Quiet Kid's Recent Posts

  • Zooom
    "Bang and the dirt is gone!"
  • poopy butt
    "When they mock he pull out the Glock"
  • Quiet kid philosophy
    "When the bully slaps the quiet kid so the quiet kid slaps the MP5 bolt"
  • Quiet kid philosophy
    "They all got the yeezys while he got the Uzi"
  • Quiet kid philosophy
    "Everyone in math class all gangsta till he whispers let’s do some subtraction"
  • geek baby daddy
    "Pop the glock"
  • Quiet kid philosophy
    "Everyone showing off their nine inchers while he shows off his nine millimeter"
  • Quiet kid philosophy
    "Everyone in math class all gangsta till the teacher asks what comes before 47 and the quiet says AK"
  • Quiet kid philosophy
    "When they mock he pull out the glock"

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