Quiet Kid's Profile
Quiet Kid
Joined on Dec 12, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
Quiet Kid's Quizzes
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Quiet Kid's Recent Posts
"Bang and the dirt is gone!"
"When they mock he pull out the Glock"
"When the bully slaps the quiet kid so the quiet kid slaps the MP5 bolt"
"They all got the yeezys while he got the Uzi"
"Everyone in math class all gangsta till he whispers let’s do some subtraction"
"Pop the glock"
"Everyone showing off their nine inchers while he shows off his nine millimeter"
"Everyone in math class all gangsta till the teacher asks what comes before 47 and the quiet says AK"
"When they mock he pull out the glock"
Quiet Kid's Recent Quiz Comments
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