Puppet master13_'s Profile
Puppet master13_
Joined on Dec 4, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Puppet master13_'s Recent Posts
"He pulled her into their fathers study. - " your lying I can see it he said superspeeding making his drink and then superspee"
"And you guys wonder why I'm a b-----to Sarah'n"
"Adam I'm not a double I'm Eve."
"' What was close?" Laurence asked hearing aids turned up to maximum. - He smirked at her sticking his "
"Also this is Eve not a double."
"( still confused but wTF ) Gin smirked before he ghosted his hand along her neck giving teh allusion of a ghost . "
"So my cousin says I can't ahve a girlfriend " So there's this boy I like and I know he likes me so should I ask him to be my"
"Notice me fish!"
"I'm being ignored ;-;"
"( They're already in darkness falls aren't they I thought they lived in a mansion inside of darkness falls?) Gin laughed."
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