PuddingChan's Profile

Joined on May 18, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
PuddingChan's Quizzes
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PuddingChan's Recent Posts
"Pudding:*giggling* Me:*manages to get out*haha!"
"Heph:*LMAOING* Pudding:That is how Mrs. She teaches Heph the in-out table."
"Me:*throws jello at Takos* Heph:*nawwing out of giant jello she's stuck in*"
"So? Some members have been here BEFORE there were levels, hunny."
"Heph:xD uh huh. ._. PUDDING RING INFERNO Heph:oh s--- *dodges giant jello*"
"Heph:Hai thar!:P She made me the account, Shi."
"o.o bú(no)"
"I'm Pudding.^^"
"I'm bored."
"Heph says to cheer up or she'll wack you with a fish, Mo-sama."
"Pudding no ignore you ever.^^ Hi Mo!:3"
"This is Heph."
"I like the vampire version. Alot better.:P"
"I have to leave again soon, or I would tell you. ..But I get out early today.8D"
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