Psychotic Hat's Profile

Psychotic Hat
Joined on Dec 2, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Psychotic Hat's Recent Posts
"how does one pose"
"i’ll just bleach it and have some fuzzy blonde/brown tops"
"god i wanna change my hair i’m gonna do it. i’m gonna dye my hair"
"i just wish people knew that there’s very niche things to say if you’re trying to get me to feel bad. like i find many things disresp"
"if i’m evil for calling you out ok"
"but that would be the first time someone has felt so strongly as to call me EVIL. but i get it. miss girl rlly kinda is a demon. so i"
"evil?!! yeah i’m a little evil LOL"
"and i’m not saying i’m wrong. i’m saying it’s not worth the energy. and i need to shut me mouth❣ sorry axel you’re just too fruity som"
"lmfaoo my self talk is halfway between positive and scoldy"
"keep that energy cleared and neutral at the very least bc what you doing getting involved in s--- thats beneath you? cut the act, get it to..."
"THIS is why you can’t have nice things MIND YOUR BUSINESS b----"
"shut your damn trap axel"
"i’d believe it tbh. go me <33"
"oh no it was me saying i’m a weeb s--- LMFAOOO the universe said “weeabooism is essential to your allignment, axel” LOL"
"was my 111 ace attorney :3"
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