Princess Bigfoot's Profile

Princess Bigfoot
Joined on Dec 17, 2011
Status Level: Novice
Princess Bigfoot's Quizzes
- What Store Should You Shop At?[published: Feb 10, 2012]
Tee shirts, jeans, skirts, hoodies, high tops, clothes. They're part of everyday life and help……
- ThE RanDoM iS AWesOmE QuiZ[published: Dec 30, 2011, 7 comments]
Alrighty. This may just as well be the most randomest quiz ever in the history of the universe today.……
- Are You Beautiful?[published: Dec 29, 2011, 26 comments]
Do you think you're ugly? Well you're not. Take this quiz to see if you're truly beautiful. Really. Take it.……
- How well do YOU know nyan cat?[published: Dec 29, 2011, 7 comments]
Nyan cat is a meme about a cat with a poptart body that poops out rainbows and flies through……
- DO NOT TAKE THIS[published: Dec 28, 2011, 2 comments]
Why did you take this?? I told you not to take it!! Oh well, now that you're here, you might as well just take……
- What should you make a quiz about[published: Dec 17, 2011, 4 comments]
Ever want to make a quiz, but don't know what to make it about? WELL, this quiz can solve all……
- DOES HE LIKE YOU BACK 100% CORRECT[published: Dec 10, 2011, 23 comments]
Guys are unpredictable. You may think they like you but they hate you. They may say they hate……
Princess Bigfoot's Recent Posts
"Im listening to You Make me Feel by cobra starship I just listened to Just Can't Get Enough by the Black Eyed Peas."
"I am pretty sure he likes you..."
Princess Bigfoot's Recent Quiz Comments
"wow this is stupid"
1 -
"Yep im a chick"
1 -
"Woah...that's kinda weird...I'm a girl, and my names Erika and I got Erica...."
3 -
"Oh crap! I ment 10 stars :P I are just so smart."
1 -
"Yay i will die like a hero! 5 stars!"
1 -
"Put out the story of you and her, but change the names!!!!!!!!!! XD"
1 -
"Whoever made this should have named it "Where to shop-for preps""
1 -
"Spicy...SO right!
We all have our own scedules, we don't really know who will be home and when, that kinda thing.
Cool Quiz!…"
1 -
"@TheAwesomeness, his DAUGTER'S name is rose.
i would know 100%!!!"1 -
"TriWizard Tournament...GOBLET OF FIRE!!!!....Chuckle , Chuckle, Chuckle..."