Prince Lucifier's Profile

Prince Lucifier
Joined on Mar 23, 2022
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
Prince Lucifier's Quizzes
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Prince Lucifier's Recent Posts
"I guess the ending was okay..."
"This song absolute garbage."
"I'm so proud of you, babe..."
"I can't get over this cat picture. It's simply stunning. Too bad I can't find where I initially found it..."
"I want a faster post timer, tho."
"People read this as "Prince Lucifer", but its actually "Prince Lucifier". It's a reference to Sakada Lucifier, the half human/h"
"Like, three days later???"
"We're still having a debate about religion???"
"I knew I had it, but just wasn't sure where."
"Ah, so it was this account with the calico cat."
"New page, huh?"
"I don't know what I did for you to be so sick, but I hope you feel better."
"And you know what? That's just fine."
"I don't do a f---ing thing for you. I don't live for you."
"Made a thing in the Workshop forum."
Prince Lucifier's Recent Quiz Comments
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