preztonn's Profile

Joined on May 10, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
preztonn's Quizzes
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preztonn's Recent Quiz Comments
"Your Result: Yellow 81%
You are bright and cheerful, you are most likely an extrovert and love being outside. People like to hang…"
1 -
"Your Result: Artistic 82%
You are bold, creative and versatile. You like to stand out in a crowd and wear striking clothes that…"
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"yeah i kinda figured i would have gotten less than 50%"
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"bffr this is my quiz <3 /pos"
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"i got wolf!! which is sort-of true, my theriotype is a maned wolf (still a canine, but not a wolf) =3 thx for making this test! it was…"
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"i got teachers pet.. all i did was not get detention :("
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"the whole forest <3 i enjoyed taking this test. thank you."