Pretender1's Profile
Joined on Feb 18, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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Pretender1's Recent Posts
"No need I'm out for good this time I mean it. Goodbye"
"Dumb kids. I already have a much information about Gabriel that I ever could and now it's time for us to try to locate him. And don't be wor..."
"Your beg felt in deaf ear Lil girl. I don't care about you."
"Why can't you understand I don't care for you at all"
"Look Lil girl i am not that dumb to tell you how I will get to him"
"Do you think you are dealing with someone stupid"
"I don't care about you or anyone else I just want Gabriel. On second though you just gabe me a idea how to get him"
"You f---ing childless you don't eve know who are you dealing with"
"I was using her"
"First of all I'm not in California I'm more close to Gabriel sister that anyones"
"You will never have him."
"No darling not you.. You ain't worst it but Gabriel other hand worst more that you can ever imaging !!"
"Pocket changes to us."
"Dont worry I have all the money in the world to hire hacker and find Gabriel. I already know he use thanks to you his presious ..."
"Plus I never said I was his aductors"
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