Porter's Profile

Joined on Jul 8, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Porter's Recent Posts
"And how did he manage that, hm? Are you sure they didn't leave you because of your douche-ness?"
"Athos: Alright! *goes to the tent~*"
"Do you now? And what's that, King Douche? *tilts head, smirking* *tail flicks*"
"Athos: Ahhh, I see.. *hums* Take me to your favorite act."
"*purrs happily* *looks up at Sybil* I'm not a peasant. You are."
"*tackles father over* *mewls* I'm in charge now that I have taken down the man in charge~! >:3"
"Men fight. Why don't you man up too? :I"
"..Okay! *stops crying* *sits there, ears perking up* Fight me! :D"
";~; I don't mean to be confusing.. *sits* *and cries*"
"Thank you! Wait.. Is that an insult? D:"
"Yes, gods. You people decide our fates and just wing it. I don't think any of us could kill you. Like the admin that let someone blind Ad..."
"sister pls these people are gods they can't die"
"Lyric: ..Some dudes.. Highjacked Adric.. And Paisley helped them attempt rape. :I Paisley: *falls silent* They"
"She did it. *points at Paisley* Paisley: All he had to do was let me dye my hair.. *hums, smirking* "
"Hmph! I'll just play with it alone, then! Meanie faces."
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