Poplar's Profile

Joined on Mar 27, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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Poplar's Recent Posts
"You don't, you let me lay here and turn into decaying plant matter. Tell Mammon he's gay."
"Nope, I can't feel my leg. The left one. I'm probably dying, this is it."
"*absorbing all of the sunlight, like the plant she is.*"
"*lays down in the middle of the sand.*"
"Azazel! Move-! *She calls, using her magic to cause some vines to shakily hold the dock a bit longer.*"
"*moves to be on the shore, a bit away, concerned.* Is this a good idea? A fight right here-"
"*takes a long sip, tilting his head.* That's an uncomfy conversation--"
"*wanders over, sipping a milkshake.* What are we screaming about?"
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