popbomb9's Profile

Joined on Aug 10, 2011
Status Level: Novice
popbomb9's Quizzes
- The Love Story For Girls Part Dos (2)[published: Jan 25, 2012, 1 comment]
- A Love Story for Girls[published: Aug 28, 2011, 10 comments]
Please take my quizzes and leave me suggestions in comments or emal me (email at end of quiiz) I hope you……
- Would I date you (boys/guys only)[published: Aug 16, 2011]
Have you been alone wishing love would come? Have you ever felt like you'll never be loved?……
- Could you be my BFF? for gals and guys[published: Aug 12, 2011]
Hi, could you be my BFF? "A best friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world……
- The Flirting Games Part 3[published: Aug 12, 2011, 2 comments]
This is The Flirting Games Part 3 and yes i will have a part 4, leave comments and rate, plz! I wanna……
- The Flirting Games Part 2[published: Aug 11, 2011, 4 comments]
Kay, this is part 2 to The Flirting Games (remake!) plz take that first. lalalalalalalalalalallalalala……
- Do you diserve to be in advanced classes?[published: Aug 11, 2011, 5 comments]
What does being smart mean? Do you think you can be in advanced classes? Find……
- The Flirting Games (remake!)[published: Aug 11, 2011, 12 comments]
I have made this quiz to see if people like my love series! Plz take a comment/ rate! PLZ PLZ PLZ……
- The Flirting Games[published: Aug 11, 2011, 9 comments]
I have made this quiz to see if people like my love series! Plz take a comment/ rate! PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ……
popbomb9's Recent Posts
"Well, I agree with Flow. Boys are puzzles, the only thing I don't agree with her is that "if a boy is rude to you that is a m"
"Sorry!!! I'm trying to give advice!!!"
"Go for it! If you really aren't shallow and you do like him then you should tell him you want to be more then friends. If you really like th..."
"If you really think you LIKE him then hang out with him and see if you still like him the way you did. If it does work out, chances are, he ..."
"With most boys they don't know how to show affection so they tease you and be rude to you. If that guy is one of those guys then es, he does..."
"Maybe if you try emailing me more details I can help you decide. @gmail.com (add popbomb9 before the @)"
"Wow! You're a year older than me! Email me @gmail.com and add popbomb9 before the @"
"Email me and take my quizzes! Email me @gmail.com and add popbomb9 before the @"
"Praying IS the best weapon! Take my quizzes!"
"I went swimming a lot this summer with my friends. Showers are IMPORTANT!!! I'm not ready 4 school, how 'bout you?"
"Well, sometimes it works. But, mostly, it doesn't. I've been on "Online Love" websites that "work" but they never do! Feel my"
popbomb9's Recent Quiz Comments
"4!!!!!!!!!!! Nathan bcuz he's the only 1 who made out w/ me!!!"
1 -
"I got male and i'm a girl, but i'm nt going to lash out. it's fine, i'm cool like th@. Lol!!!"
1 -
"I got male and i'm a girl, but i'm nt going to lash out. it's fine, i'm cool like th@. Lol!!!"
1 -
1 -
"63% Out of One Hundred People Like You!
You have a good amount of people, decently that like you or will like you in the future.…"
2 -
"How old r u? and where do u live?"
1 -
"I agree w/ @liltootles. and u ARE a jerk, u shouldn't focus more a looks than personality. and you HIT on girls? u, so to speak, CHECK…"
1 -
"OMG!!! my bf's name is Cameron, he also has blue eyes and blond hair!!"
1 -
"Truth 1: He likes me he has a buzz cut. he has blue-greeb eyes like the sea. his name is Cameron. i met him at the begging of the school…"
1 -
"aw! i missed happy pie day, i'll mark it in my calendar!"