PlantsVSZombies's Profile

Joined on Jun 27, 2012
Status Level: Junior
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PlantsVSZombies's Quizzes
- Get to know me! -P.V.S.Z-[published: Nov 06, 2013, 8 comments]
This is just a short little quiz to tell yous about me so yous can get to know me better so I'm not a……
PlantsVSZombies's Recent Posts
"Ah, okay."
"I'm fine, and you?"
"o: Hello."
"3: That was mean..."
"Sorry I got distracted but I've been on the forums twice before but then I left for more than a year."
"Indeed he is. I'm a Plants VS Zombies fan."
"Thank you Kish, I love your picture."
"Hello ^-^"
"I can't get youtube. What's up?"
"I see that. Zombies on your lawn."
PlantsVSZombies's Recent Quiz Comments
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