pinkrox4ever's Profile

Joined on Jun 20, 2011
Status Level: Advanced
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pinkrox4ever's Quizzes
- The Basic Swedish Words Quiz![published: May 15, 2016]
I will admit that I've been learning off on Duolingo, so I might not be completely accurate. I did……
pinkrox4ever's Recent Posts
"You guys should take this quiz, if you want! It's my first one, so I hope it's good. "
"Oh, bye! I finished my quiz. You guys should take it!"
"Okay, fine. I was trying to get them wrong! I wanted to confuse you when you looked at the list of results!"
"Oh. Okay. Thanks anyway."
"I think I'm going to make a quiz, too? What should it be about?"
"Sorry, somehow. Not someone."
"You can call me Eryn, you know. :) Someone I got a 0?"
"I'm going to take your quiz, Assist. Let's ignore Leif."
"You're being invasive though."
"I want my account though, and not any of yours!"
"Heph, can you tell Leif to leave me alone?"
"And you wouldn't stop asking. Please leave me alone."
"You asked for my account and made a totally unfair trade. I like my account!"
"That's not very nice of you. :|"
"I love this song! It's catchy and I can technically practice Spanish while listening to it."
pinkrox4ever's Recent Quiz Comments
"Why, thank you."