pinkfluffyrobot's Profile
Joined on Nov 22, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
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10-Year Club
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pinkfluffyrobot's Recent Quiz Comments
"I guess whichever off-world species I belong to, its one that's managed to pass for earth humans reasonably well... o.O"
1 -
"Quarter-life crisis, first Saturn return, its like a mini midlife crisis. Its no fun..."
1 -
"Fail. I doubt the quiz creator even knows who Bauhaus is, or even Bela Lugosi for that matter, lol. And yes Bela as in "undead undead", not…"
2 -
"Long as I can be the first person to have a wedding in space"
1 -
"But I already spend all my time daydreaming ... =/"
1 -
"HELL YES! Chocolate & perfume. How did you know?? ;p"
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