Pineapple11's Profile

Joined on Dec 13, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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Pineapple11's Recent Quiz Comments
"Hello, I'd like to point out that you only have male and female as gender options. Could you possibly add more identities, such as…"
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"I LOVE Luna Lovegood. She's awesome!"
In response to NyanYan:
"Woaahh I'm Luna Lovegood, my favourite character!"
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"Aw man, I got Lavender Brown. I was there percent away from Hermione, though. That's good. I liked the quiz, though! It was fun and not…"
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"65%! Wow. I'm pretty sure these weren't all in the books, but if the creator went digging around on Pottermore, I'm impressed.
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"Your English knowledge percentage is 67%!
You probably have a Canadian accent.Your English isn't perfect,but you do know English…"