Pikachu_fan's Profile

Joined on Jul 3, 2013
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Pikachu_fan's Recent Posts
"Well thats all I wanted to say now"
"No thats my real last name anime"
"For example me"
"That I am pikachufan. I am also actually named Galileah chloe maxwell so I wanted to redo a account and present myself as my first name not ..."
"At lounge"
"In the lounge"
"Look I have to talk to u privatley"
"Anime we need to talk privately"
"I am not avenger I am chloe and this is the 3 rd I made I am not pikachulove though. You know I am mormon and I swear I am not nikki. My mom..."
"And she likes sailor moon. I sorta like it I am more of a pokemon fan"
"Sorry its just that my friends name is andrea and I told her I would join today IF she joined"
"Is your name andrea?"
"Gasp pikachu tackles icee chill I am a fan of pikachu"
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