Pharaoh's Profile


Joined on Mar 4, 2021
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Pharaoh's Quizzes

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Pharaoh's Recent Posts

  • Silridge
  • Silridge
    "*stares at Cats, then vanishes*"
  • Silridge
    "He is extremely Distructive"
  • Silridge
    "Of course I don't, trees don't do well in an active volcano"
  • Silridge
    "I see. I would like to inform you that the Moth is banned from my library"
  • Silridge
    "Oh. The Moth."
  • Silridge
    "I understand, ill be waiting"
  • Silridge
    "I could take you there, or you could find one of my librarians that wander the world, they can be identified by the copper sash they wear. Z..."
  • Silridge
    "I do, yes."
  • Silridge
    "As long as you have no interest in damaging anything, yes."
  • Silridge
    "It is. It contains all of the knowledge that I have gathered over the many years, so it needs to be."
  • Silridge
    "I understand. I don't leave my library very often."
  • "You can do it in your main thread, or in the ballroom."
  • Silridge
    "Hello, Storms Friend."
  • Silridge
    "I am Pharaoh, God of Mind and Weave"

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