Phantom Link's Profile

Phantom Link
Joined on Nov 9, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
Phantom Link's Quizzes
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Phantom Link's Recent Posts
"*puts bottle away, tilting head, then shrugs, starts walking back toward Epona*"
"*quirks an eyebrow, then reaches toward belt, pulling out bottle with glowing pink fairy*"
"*waves a hand, then tilts head, motioning at the injuries* [okie]"
"*sees the figure finally, tucking bottle into belt, approaches Toby cautiously, eyes glowing in the darkness*"
"*hears a noise, pauses in his thoughts, stands up slowly, going over to Epona's saddle and pulling a small glowing bottle out of the bag, be..."
"*leaning back against tree in the forest, skeletal Epona is near him grazing quietly*"
"[the joke only makes sense if you know who Sans is both those guys were Sans] [kk *vanishes bef"
"Phantom Link Creepy Pasta"
"I really like Heph as well."
"Can anyone link me the official accounts thread? Gotta register this s---."
"Heph: maybe I long to die okie bai"
"Heph: *slaps* get yourself together. y"
"Heph: I know but try. no"
"Heph: Don't cry then.w. Nah I'm just a bit insane."
"Masky had to leave. [aka Road had to get offline, sorry. He said he might be back tonight]"
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