Phantom_Ghost's Profile

Joined on Sep 19, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Phantom_Ghost's Quizzes
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Phantom_Ghost's Recent Posts
"If you find a way, I really like binders. Like ftm binders"
"Not me"
"Wow. Ikr? Like McDonald's, how you gonna play me like that?"
"(that's good you can buy that gun you like you little dweeb you)"
"Got this one."
"I saw your pic, dunno bout the rapist thing tho.. O.o"
"Thank you.."
"Just like Adam with qwerty.. Thanksies!!!!! I added sugar, tastes better.. :P"
"Sorry about earlier Drew, i really do annoy everybody with my presence, also draw Kuudere.."
"Cody what happened to your Cody17 account? also MY MOM FINNALY LET ME DRINK COFFEE!!!! ;U;"
"*eats a clock, jumps around cuz clock is ringing*"
Phantom_Ghost's Recent Quiz Comments
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