PewDiePie's Profile
Joined on Nov 28, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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PewDiePie's Recent Posts
"Hej~ I haven't seen you either. :o But yes it good to finally be seeing each other. :D Or at least the words we type. How are you darling? ..."
"Is it "Extreme Vine Compilation 300 Vines! (BEST OF 2013)"?"
"I don't really drink either so ja I understand. :o"
"It's dying. "
"Still the home page, bro. :O"
"Happy American Holiday of Eating to you too, girl. xD"
"I think so. :D At least the last time I checked a mirror. "
"Josh Peck's is the only vine I know of. :D"
"I'm ihaveahat. :P"
"Ja, det ar. I don't celebrate it either cause I'm Swedish. :D This is hat by the way. xD"
"Farval~ "
"The food? :P"
"Nope. :D"
"Sure. :P You can try."
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