Peter the perv's Profile


Peter the perv
Joined on Dec 12, 2020
Status Level: Newbie

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Peter the perv's Recent Posts

  • The egg 2.0
    "Also before I take a break for the day that post right above this one is me snapping at myself please don't take it the wrong way"
  • The egg 2.0
    "What I really needed to do and still need to do is to leave for awhile before I made a stupid f---ing scene like a toddler"
  • The egg 2.0
    "I admit I shouldn't have gotten that angry it doesn't really matter does it, it shouldn't and I know that"
  • The egg 2.0
    "Yes yes I am, it's not for you to be concerned about either, alot of things are making me irritated right now including you now"
  • The Paradox Dimension
    "Because Boris happens to be my favorite character in the manga"
  • The egg 2.0
    "You don't understand my plight anyways. Do think I haven't thought of doing that! Do you think I'm stupid! Also don't assume about what I'm ..."
  • The Paradox Dimension
    "Of course it did"
  • The Paradox Dimension
    "So you've read the manga Boris If from"
  • The egg 2.0
    "I suppose none of them would understand my attachment as people who haven't read it"
  • The egg 2.0
    "I am though and if they're going to use the account why haven't they"
  • The Paradox Dimension
  • The country of hearts
    "You fool's, he is why Alice left"
  • "Quotev or discord either works"

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