Peter the perv's Profile

Peter the perv
Joined on Dec 12, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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Peter the perv's Recent Posts
"Also before I take a break for the day that post right above this one is me snapping at myself please don't take it the wrong way"
"What I really needed to do and still need to do is to leave for awhile before I made a stupid f---ing scene like a toddler"
"I admit I shouldn't have gotten that angry it doesn't really matter does it, it shouldn't and I know that"
"Yes yes I am, it's not for you to be concerned about either, alot of things are making me irritated right now including you now"
"Because Boris happens to be my favorite character in the manga"
"You don't understand my plight anyways. Do think I haven't thought of doing that! Do you think I'm stupid! Also don't assume about what I'm ..."
"Of course it did"
"So you've read the manga Boris If from"
"I suppose none of them would understand my attachment as people who haven't read it"
"I am though and if they're going to use the account why haven't they"
"You fool's, he is why Alice left"
"Quotev or discord either works"
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