persephone's Profile

Joined on Aug 13, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
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persephone's Recent Posts
"ok cool"
"she hears mark say his final words i love you cleo as the smoke slowly kills him and now she wants vengence on his murderur"
"att but unlimited text"
"come to the new soap opra"
"cleo cryed in despair when she realized the prison took her husband and put him in the gas chamber and he has 30 minutes to live he only kil..."
"cleo cryed in despair when she realized the prison took her husband and put him in the gas chamber and he has 30 minutes to live he only kil..."
"omg i live in t.n u can text me"
"least i aint the one with j.b as my pix"
"well what state?"
"FUK FUK FUK FUK FUK screamed alice after realizing her husdand was traped in the gas chamber and dieing"
"u stole sicks line lol"
"lol dont eat ur arm ull type slower hey u live in the u.s?"
"i love being singly all u idiots who dream of getting married ar fuktards"
"hades totaly"
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