Pennny Polendina's Profile

Pennny Polendina
Joined on Sep 15, 2016
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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Pennny Polendina's Recent Posts
"Of course! ....why?"
"I have a bobby pin!"
"Hello Prof.Callows! I hope you also have a ‘joyous’ Sunday :)"
"I am combat ready!"
"Ruby : Mayyyybe! Best friend? Really!"
"Of course I am friend! ( the third N is my headcannon now that penny would be so excited to make new friends that she’d acciden"
"( I’m good actually just waiting on food.)"
"Greetings and salutations!"
"( My head cannon is that if penny got social media she'd be so excited about it she'd mistype her name so yes it's spelt weird on purpose)"
"( Wait do you have a forest dragon? Like the one in the opening she liked that one when she saw it on mine I thought that was the tree drago..."
"Howdy Friends!"
"( Ignore the typo in her name ) I'm combat ready!"
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