Papi's Profile

Joined on Oct 14, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Papi's Quizzes
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Papi's Recent Posts
"!!! Chirp!!"
"No more birds can die! Papi says so!"
"[It's really neat how they did that, but it made the decision SO much harder.xD Exactly! I'm glad to find someone els"
";-; meanie Yay! *happy flapping, lifts off ground a bit* Oh no! That's so sad.."
"That looks really neat! You think Papi could borrow it sometime?:3"
"Thank you! Will you be Papi's new friend? *sniffs, sad face*"
"*squints* I asked what Woomy was holding! Dummy."
"What is the squid holding in that picture?"
"Puh-leeeaaaase! *pleading look, belly grumbles* You do? *happy flapping, smiles*"
"... At least get Papi something to eat, then? D:"
"[It's great.x3 Also funny how Hinoka is flat chested and Camilla is the exact opposite. It happens a lot, th"
"*angry chirping* Go away kitty!"
"*flaps wings, landing in thread* Papi sees no bird crap!"
"Master will be mine. ^-^"
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