PandaGirl10's Profile

Joined on Jul 23, 2016
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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PandaGirl10's Quizzes

PandaGirl10's Recent Posts

  • I'm so sad.
    "Actor Dorector. ...Z and I can't tell you if it's wrong or right."
  • I'm so sad.
    "I'm not allowed its a safety thing. It could help an Internet stalker find me. He's very famous so you can figure it out!"
  • "I've messaged you!"
  • I'm so sad.
    "I'm Emily :) My dad is an actor / director and my mom is a model / singer. I need to go get dinner... I need to steal it from a resta"
  • I'm so sad.
    "Thank u."
  • "Yeahhhhhhhhh. I'm PandaGirl1010heart on wattpad"
  • I'm so sad.
    "I can't help it;-; it stops the pain."
  • I'm so sad.
    "Thank you. I'm sorry for screaming I just never get any love or attention. It's Probaly why I cut. Thank you for talking to me."
  • I'm so sad.
  • "I'm rich and have famous parents ( Can't say who they are though for my own protection.) I'm blonde haired blue eyed and I'm really pretty I..."
  • I'm so sad.
    "My dad didn't show up today after promising he would he then texted me this "My latest film is so much more important than your birthday te..."
  • "Yeah! Me too! I need to go now though ;-;"
  • "Yeah!!!!!!!!!"
  • "My response to what you said: Hiiii!!! Yeah! Sometimes it is my moms or my dads and sometimes it's mine!!! I really hate my life"
  • "I can't! My parents still haven't activated it!!!"

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