Overwork's Profile
Joined on Dec 17, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Overwork's Recent Posts
"oh tragic"
"yeah lol unfortunately you can't do it anymore I think some of those gradients are really ugly"
"quick test"
"this account is from before gtq guy decided everyone needed a default profile picture I never set a picture and I guess it got grandfa"
"might f--- around and make one more new official thread with links to my carrd and my musicians discord server in the first post to make the..."
"I think this is probably the last time I'm gonna bump this, just want to make sure everyone that might be interested gets a chance to see it..."
" "
"gonna disorient myself and cry about roxy lalonde"
"My favorite excerpts from "Hermosa", by Yesika Salgado: "take this, my story. eat it an"
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