Orion360's Profile

Joined on Sep 15, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
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Orion360's Recent Posts
"I cant get rid of that"
"how do i explain complaining about your life on a yt live chat is not going to fic it"
"Mary had a little lamb. It ran into a pylon. 10,000 volts went up its ass and turned its wool to nylon."
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the kings horses and all the kings men Said, "f--- him, h"
"im going to ruin my childhood by listening to some modified nursery rhymes"
"^ i liked dis song it's weird"
"There was an old farmer who lived by a rock, He sat in the meadow a-shaking his fist, At some boys who were down by the crick (c"
"Cool I'm Advanced now"
"I might take a break from gtq :'( I'm sick"
"I thot he left Hes here again Poor troll"
"I want chowmean :'("
Orion360's Recent Quiz Comments
"Lol v (I think that, too B-but)"