Orias's Profile

Joined on Oct 2, 2021
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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Orias's Recent Posts
"avatar zeronightshade Senior less than 1 minute ago Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth, if"
"Hello edelgard, it hasn't been too long since you started your pointless war; but i think that we deserve a clear and CONCISE surrender. you..."
"hello kish it hasnt been too long since you ghosted me, but i think that i DESERVE a concise answer. you are a lazy arrogant son of a c---wo..."
"Hatshepsut. I miss her dearly."
"you okay little dude?"
"I Accept my fate."
"Someone stole my ship and hosted a party."
""I promise he's been in good hands." Syllie assures the werepig, sighing deeply. "You're Tech, right? Sorrel's mentioned you. I know you're ..."
"*naps in crowsnest* zz"
"gtq guy"
"There's a strange girl who stands outside my friend's window, you should rob her. She has bright pink hair."
"Compliments aren't going to get you much of anywhere, but thanks, raccoon boy."
"Extremely funny when I feed you to what dwells below."
"I see souls, you're not hidden. But go ahead and try and steal from me, see what happens."
"I sense one of Sonic's descendants"
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