OMFG STFU's Profile

Joined on Mar 11, 2015
Status Level: Novice
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10-Year Club
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OMFG STFU's Recent Posts
"Alright, I'm going to make a different account because this username is starting to bother me. :'D I'll be right back."
"That's alright. Do you bind or anything?"
"It's not your fault. You don't have to apologize. *hugs more* I'm the only transgender in my entire school district, four schools."
"*hugs* Yes, twelve. Thank you very much. That means a lot."
"[Little vent here~] I look like a girl with short hair, and I hate it. I don't have an effective way to bind, and my dad does"
"HI, HI. Only a few of my friends and my mom knows. I don't bind, I am in school, I'm twelve, yes, and I don't."
"Oh, hi. ^-^ That would be me."
"Shawn Mendes. Omg. Ahhhh."
"That wording was weird. Hehe~ :'D This post limit is a little frustrating. ;;"
"That's alright, and "Rejects" is a very good song. cx Oh, and yes, I do like 1D. c": I'm not as huge as I am on them as I am on 5SOS "
"I'm transgender, a girl to a boy. I prefer male pronouns, and my name is Ash. ^~^"
"I'm glad that you love transgenders because I love you. cx You have no idea how much I want to hug you! ;u;"
"I love their new single, "Fly Away". :D OH, YAY. Thank you. ^u^ Awh, that's sweet."
"Cody: Hi, Cody~ Care: Are there any other major 5SOS fans here? Jeff: Aye, Jeff. I can't sleep. Thanks for the"
"You're welcome. ^-^ Yes, yes. I absolutely love them more than words can explain. Awh, another 5SOS fan. ;; *tackles with love*"
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