OmegaMega's Profile

Joined on Sep 24, 2012
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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OmegaMega's Recent Posts
"I'm not cat. I am Zero. That was a waste of your time."
"*takes off the shades, snaps them in half* I have no need for those. *tosses the pieces aside, crosses my arms*"
"justbegladitdoesn'tshowupmuch *looks at Heph, not remembering anything about you* Cat? What kind of name is that? Call me Ome"
"*laughs* The fake got him before I could. I'm not a tool to be used. I am the superior, the original, I am Zero."
"*puts saber away* Sure. (I gotta leave.)"
"*slashes rock in half with saber* Good try."
"You're right. Why would I tell you my plans?"
"I'm just going to slice everyone apart. I'm going to divide them by zero"
"I've been thinking of ways to kill everyone."
"No. Judgement cannot wait."
"I'm ready to bring judgement down on you. I'll bring you to salvation!"
"Heaven? Never heard of it."
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